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Outside of the common daily apps like TikTok, Stereo, YouTube, what app on your phone are you using the most? I just went into my settings on iPhone and it turns out Duolingo is my most used app out of the lot, mainly because I'm learning a new language, but is there a reading app or a business app, productivity, meditation, are there any apps that you have on your phone that is your favorite right now.
Honestly it's the ones like Etsy and stuff I found out this weekend that I have lamps that I bought for stupid cheap that are actually worth a lot of money and so now I am looking at getting educated on flipping stuff
I posted that that lamps on Etsy last night and I am planning on posting some more probably today of the other ones that I found which kind of excited about
Read it. I like reading a lot man. Such an informative thing man. You could anything you want to find or learn how to do in a way where you feel all your The answers are gonna be questioned. Read it man. I think read it. It's just amazing man.
There's actually an incredible app called imprint which is for people who don't really have time to maybe sit down and read long books it like has courses on well-known books and philosophies that you can do daily and they're literally like a minute long at a time