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All right, so the topic of this is You know a little bit controversial I want to start off by saying I appreciate all women You know And yeah Modern-day feminism in my opinion I feel like is an anti-men movement You know there is one valid thing that they're fighting for and that is to end the wage gap which I definitely agree the wage gap should end but you know I feel like women that are feminists nowadays are using feminism as a shield or hiding behind feminism as a shield so whenever Whenever they bash men or paint men in a bad light, they can't be judged for it. Or they won't be judged for it because they're feminists. Now when they solve the wage gap, I feel like modern day feminism is going to be a lot more aggressive. it comes to being an anti-men movement. You know, because most feminists think men are bad, you know, because, you know, they say that like, oh man, we need to, you know, destroy the patriarchy and blah blah blah and yeah so I don't know what are y'all's thoughts
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Obviously not all feminists just are like an anti-men group, but obviously certain feminists are gonna have certain problems with, you know, certain groups of men. And it's not directed towards all men, obviously. I mean, unless certain feminists do that, but it's...
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