CheckYaself If CheckYaself planned a Stereo trip for next year... would you show up? Would you rather do a cruise or meet up in Vegas?Suivre1118PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
CheckYaself Check out that EP - Holographic Thoughts by Stereo's own @project_pook ft. @steppasdon Stream EVERYWHERE!!! 🔥🔥🔥
CheckYaself Ladies.. would you knowingly marry a man who has been intimate with other men in the past?
CheckYaself Sending a huge thank you to everyone who voted for me! #BattleRoyale #StereoBattleRoyale #SEC
CheckYaself A WORD! Have you ever been villainized for choosing yourself? What did you learn from this? #SEC
CheckYaself Man says that most black women are raised to be independent while Spanish women are raised to be wives. Do you agree? Why? #SEC #Relationships