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Hey I have a question. How do you know when you truly love someone? Is there like a point in the relationship? Is it after a couple months for you? How do you know?
Me personally I think it's when you can actually become through that person completely and you don't feel like you're hiding a part of yourself in front of that person if you do then then either I wonder if you feel ashamed of something or they make you feel ashamed of something that's not
Also boundaries are very important so if you don't like a certain thing you can tell them and if they're willing to change and I'll request a time and see they aren't they have change then they're good and if not then I want to change for you they're not the right one you're not in love
To be real, I feel like you just know. And sometimes it does take time. In my opinion, the love that is quick to fire up is also the quickest to burn out. So watch out for that too. not confusing it with luck.
I'm gonna wish you with that like relationships in general require a lot of vulnerability a lot of people do you scare me because you have to be real with yourself and your relationship so I don't think I've ever experienced that either
You give them the benefit of the doubt in things that you tend to cut people off for because you know they've been there for a freaking thing where people would cut you off. I think that's a very good way to tell when you treat yourself man because so people lost
I'd have you think that's true because sometimes when you love someone you'll ignore a lot of things because you care about them. And I think that's very essential to know when you love someone.
Aw, that's easy. When you can withstand the smell of another motherfucker's shit. Okay, you truly love that person. Y'all got a one bedroom apartment, and they shitting and left the door open. They done sprained over a breeze, like a candle or nothing, and you like, I'm cool. Oh yeah, you love that motherfucker.