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I mean she I had the blue check on fucking Twitter cuz I use Twitter more than anything else But I was like this shit ain't worth it, bro. Like nah Elon Musk could go eat a dick, but But, uh, would I do it again? No, probably not.
Yo my bad again you feel me my girl just broke up with me and I'm like on the streets right now you feel me like I got a whole cardboard sign type shit you know so like I gotta do what I Gotta do bro that check is important but yeah I can't do it right now bro
I mean people are buying the blue check it makes sense if you're a business but if you're someone just trying to fit in was that blue check verifying. It's verifying absolutely nothing.
I think it's not a problem. I would because on a simple fact of if you try to go through getting a blue check, it's like unless you have a Wikipedia page, they act like they do not want to give you a blue check even if you're a note.
Like for me, I'm a director. I have a movie on Amazon. I have an IMDB page. I have all these articles. I've done all these different interviews. And I still can't get a blue check. I'm like, come on. So yes, I sure would and have done it on my Instagram.
I definitely would not buy a blue check. Anybody paying for a blue check is hilarious and not in a good way. Because if people know you're buying it, Then what was the point of you having it in the first place?