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So I just got back from a water party today. Yeah, you heard me right? That's the kind of parties I go to. Not the only kind, okay, okay, okay. But I do love me some water parties because they're filled with so much knowledge on our health and water is not just water. It goes deeper than that. And a lot of y'all out there thinking, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know my water. I buy that alkaline water from the store. It's fake. Ha ha. They literally put things back into it. So when you do a pH test, it passes as a high pH. But nah. When you do actual tests and you put alkaline drops in there and you blow bubbles into it, watch that pH go down. Coca-Cola, fake-ly, pH is a lot of their outline waters. It's crazy. But so is a lot of the things in this world, eh? So this is a ramble. Yeah, do you know your water? Do you not know your water? What kind of water do you drink? Do you even give a fuck about my water drink? Do you even care? Yeah. I don't know, this is a water discussion. Let's talk H2O, drop it down below. Drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it to the floor. Thank you.
Drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it to the floor. Hey. Yeah, I know my water. My water knows me. We're best friends. But you're absolutely right. You know, there's a lot of fake water out here. People have no clue. Good for you and the party.
I need to come to this community that you're in because I've never even heard of a water party but I definitely need to be a part of the next one because this sounds like something that's right up my alley. Please invite me. Please. I need a ticket.
So I started to drink ionized alkaline water from the canyon machine because it is far superior to any water I've ever drank and the results are just incredible and I've tried tons of different kinds
I am so glad that you put this up as a question personally I ran about this all the time I like the way springwater says with my body and I like the way hydrates me but personally I'll take the spring water bottles boiled them put a little iron
I used to boil it in like an iron kind of casket, but now I have this like iron fish. It's kind of weird. You can put it in anything, but it gives you iron supplementing your water as well. So it's helpful.
It's like to make a lot of lemon water I think lemon water is very refreshing it constantly he talks to your body at a gentle right like a gentle cleanser you feel me to have shit
And if I want to go to the gas station and get a regular water bottle it would have to be like a core water bottle or the Essentia water bottles I don't know I really like the way them taste that water is like super refreshing or go to Starbucks and ask for some water