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I absolutely agree. You are the only person who's in charge of your own happiness. and until you are working on yourself, setting goals, being successful in your own writing, loving yourself, you can't love anybody else. Good post.
I'm currently learning that, now I'm not gonna say currently, but I have this love jar thing that I pull out and it lets me know what I need to do for myself. Like movie night or go hiking or something so I agree
You definitely have a point there I'm do you have to know who you are and how you are to anybody even being a healthy relationship so I think you have a point with this question
enjoying your own company, enjoying being by yourself is something that everybody should do. I also encourage people to do a solo trip. You really learn a lot about yourself when you do a solo trip
Everybody should learn them selves Maddie I'm selves you should learn yourself by listening to other people told you about yourself don't eat yourself and try to get your own answers you don't work listen to the people who are telling you about you.