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So previously asked who would you want to portray you in a film of your life I think no one Rios a question of a bit of a twist who would you get to direct the film of your life instead I think for me I'll probably go like this radio or Donald Glover because I feel like they just make it more funny and entertaining account it's a real where was as what I wanna see what about you guys
Yeah honestly made the most mundane seems look incredible where is the colour follows the caravan yeah yeah I could I could definitely do for romanticise in your life I will go to hundred percent
I hate to be the indie boy in this fucking discussion, but Wes Anderson. Like, have you seen Budapest Hotel? You know, Moonrise Kingdom? She's fucking cute, and if anyone's gonna do my childhood, at least, it's gonna be him.
There she did Calabria on the phone technically to Stanley Kubrick supposed to have artificial intelligence and he was the director for then he had the reins over to Steven Spielberg directed him so he'll be here artificial intelligence
It'll have to be Wes Anderson man, but even though it's like my life is really not a Wes Anderson movie, it'll just be cool to see what Wes Anderson could make out of my life. It'll be interesting. See like, yeah.
For me, it might be a bit of a controversial one, but I'll get Ben Thornton. Like, the way his movies come out, like the way he just, I think he'd get my life and the movie portrayed well.