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I received a fluctuate a follower slightly none wondering could they be bots I don't see them going online or any recent activity what do you think is happening
I don't have this but I definitely have been told by other people like yourself with thousands of followers who are now getting hundreds a day looking around doesn't make sense
Or like they'll follow a couple hundred people and nobody will follow them it's a little odd it's a it is a little R I I will admit I will agree with you yeah I don't know
I was wondering the same thing and then I went to Stereo's website and then I went to their people tab and and I noticed you and I are both listed in like the first scroll, but you're like the top five.
So my theory is it has something to do with that. Cause I also have been getting a bunch and they seem to be inactive accounts but I'm like, I don't know. I'm on their home page
I mean, Dreamy, you have a lot of followers in real life, so maybe your followers from your other platforms like Instagram or TikTok are finding you on Stereo. IJS, you're pretty popular girl.