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So my son is almost four years old before in August and the past couple weeks he has been having a really hard time sleeping he like fall asleep around like 9 10 o'clock at night and then get up at like 6 o'clock He doesn't do naps anymore either But you can just tell he's so tired And it's like causing behavior issues too and if I do put him down for a nap then you just won't even go to bed at night So do you have any tips or anything to help him to go to sleep? Tonight was like the first night he actually went to bed within like 10 minutes because I think he was so exhausted but if he gets like overly exhausted then he'll have night terrors which then just cause him more exhaustion the next day. He's just like it's not sleeping and I try to get as much energy out as I can for him like we're never home and we are always doing activities so I can hopefully go sleep at night so any suggestions would be great.
My first born daughter, she had night terrors and still has them occasionally. But from like age one, two to three, literally she would wake up out of a dead sleep screaming. And there was nothing to stop it and she would like sleepwalk and like totally be out of it
That's what my son is and if you help him it just makes it worse and it was a lot longer it's just really hard because there's there's really nothing I can do to help him or comfort him because like I said if I do it just makes it worse
What I did for my boys when they went through this I would always give them like a warm bath let them know calm down a little bit get their body relaxed and then I would just
I would cuddle them for a little bit kind of just like maybe like lay back and watch a movie or no all the movie but just enough to like just to get like their body relaxed in chill mode and also
And I have also found out that sound machines work amazing the sound machine that I have for my son it does like different sounds and it does a different colors where you could have like one color for
But yeah, you can choose between different colors or you can have it on a setting to where it will slowly transition to every color. I got it off of Amazon for like maybe 30 bucks, but super helpful.
Yeah I tried in cuddling normally it'll be just for like 1015 minutes I've tried that I've tried to tell you for sleep and she's crazy we used to do some she was when he was a little but I should
So I have three kids and only one of them went to the stage and I would just say, oh, it's quiet time. I would have the house completely quiet and let him play with like a basket. had soft toys in it like plushies and books and things of that nature.
So the house was completely quiet. I wouldn't even say anything. I would have headphones on watching YouTube on my phone And he would be quietly just playing with his toys and if he got loud around him it's quiet time and within like 10-15 minutes he was out.
So I don't have a kid of my own but I used to work with two year old that they care and we were just end up kind of settling them down on the bed and having some sort of music that's really calming on and then
Sorry it cut me off on but then we would also like pot and rub their back and like slowly and be like it's Alex time and a lot of the kids to have nightmares and stuff for some reason it works like a specially putting their butts with sound
And I was super skeptical until some of the older daycare teachers were like try it and it absolutely worked but I hope that you get some relief and that you're taking care of yourself mama says you're doing a great job