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Hikaru 718d
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Asha 716d
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Lepsaur 704d
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Lepsaur 704d
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William Cardinali
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Okay, so this is for the kpop dance. This is my opinion personally, but my opinions are usually correct because I'm like really big brain but I better not see any hate towards Jackson Wang or J Park after the if you still defend and support Cheyong Because as far as I'm concerned Jackson and J didn't wear a swastika on their t-shirt three times in a row and And where the Q Aaron Trump shirt, you know, like Yeah, Jay may have said some things but wearing a swastika on your t-shirt. I'm pretty sure that kind of outdoes everything that Jay has said and Posting a sick sentence apology that you stole from somewhere else Yeah, and then Jackson, I don't know why y'all hate him like man's really didn't do anything wrong You took 30 seconds out of a seven minute long speech out of context because you're too ignorant and stupid To figure out that there's other propaganda surrounding China and other false news surrounding China But of course the first thing you thought of was the Muslim concentration camps That kind of says something about y'all the fact that you tied Chinese people and them defending their country from like the racism and shit that gets said even just with like COVID-19 as them talking about defending the concentration camps there. So I want to see no hate towards my men if you still support and defend Cheyong. So, yeah.
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And I'm gonna listen to that but I don't know why you're comparing those two to Cheyenne. You're so fucking crazy for that.
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she fucking wore swastika three times and the cute aura and whatever the fuck trump shirt like the fuck? and then copy and paste it as 6th sentence fucking apology
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Heavy on his though because the whole jay park and that did Jackson Wang thing is kind of difference from the from the Chaeyoung thing but I had to completely agree that still defending Chaeyoung is support her if she's kind of fucking crazy
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Like it's just mad weird to me that everyone still trying to defend her saying that she didn't know better or that it meant something else in her language when you know not to wear that shit in America or in fucking England because of what Germany did
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There were three times in a row and I want to say oh she's not you know she wasn't educated like that there's no fucking way she's uneducated and a big ass age not knowing what the fuck in Germany did
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They always want to see the capability but I will say educators like girl it is 2023 I mean they are much more is supposed to different cultures and stuff now it's not an excuse anymore
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Bro the whole thing with crazy to me because I watch the whole speech that he did and I say say nothing about no Islam or Muslim's like bro like they definitely take the shit out of context
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They were literally showing the kind of behavior he was talking about like just propaganda like them taking stuff out of context or just straight up lying or like over exaggerating. It's crazy, he was literally talking about that.
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I mean, I know what she did was wrong. I'm not gonna say what she did wasn't wrong But I can't be the only one that's fucking annoyed about how there's people still talking about it and just spamming it like we get it We know what she did, please shut the fuck up.
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