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If you had the chance to start a YouTube channel and get it monetizing, what niche would you choose? Like what topics would you be like able to share experience or you know to make tutorials or to talk about something that is related to your industry and they have a lot of experience with.
Even though there's a lot of people talking about it, it would probably have to do with FinTech startup and perhaps specifically first time founders how to get set up in the industry and how to approach funding. lot of gaps there need to be filled.
So I've advised companies, I've been part of setting up companies and I've taken specifically one FinTech company that I built through Series A, raising millions of dollars. So I definitely have a few insights and horror stories.
That's a very, very kind of you. But, yeah, nearly killed me in the process. And, yeah, my last soundbite, actually, is worth checking out. And it's called How Much to Kill Yourself. There's an article I wrote literally regarding this.
very kind of you and I look forward to hearing your feedback on the article and if you're very bored you can also read the predecessor to this one which is linked within that article But you're very kind. You make me blush.
Congratulations that you already started. At least you already have something from the beginning the toughest part is to start and through the days you will figure it out.
That's my problem, Catherine. It's really hard for me to just pick one thing. I'm passionate about wellness, art, sustainability, grounding new values that will help our future generations to come inside and out.
How do you think about what knowledge do you possess? What experiences do you have that could help the most people? And go from there. You can probably do some real good with all the experience that it seems like you have the noise that you have.
I would actually argue you're hitting one of the biggest markets out there. The problem is just that a lot of the people in that market don't necessarily know they're there. And that's anyone who's feeling a little bit lost, who may need focus on themselves and wellness and well-being but not really being aware.
Perhaps as that sheep herder, you can be the guide to show them onto a better path, so to speak, because it is extremely valuable and important and necessary.
Oh no, so it's been two years since you wanted to start the YouTube channel but you haven't picked one niche or make the decision. I don't have any advice because I've been through the same.
But I would just recommend to start writing content ideas for just one niche and then start scheduling videos and making samples of what you want to post.
Actually, I have a YouTube channel that has 302 subs, you know, I'm improved. My niche is to do self-improvement videos. I got inspired by Hamza and Cole Hastings and, you know the podcast of Chris Roomsone. I'm having to get monetized by two years from now.
I actually actually just started a YouTube channel I just mainly procedure shorts but I noticed that make up niches tend to get you more views on there so yeah
You should definitely follow me Marlon Custer and I will follow you we have a channel to yeah yeah I feel like you should shorts it's gonna be like a back up if ever tick-tock goes
I feel like there's a lot of careers that are repurposing the content. I mean the same for TikTok and reals and YouTube shorts They just switch a little bit of editing or background music.
Lately I've been thinking about starting a YouTube channel but I'm just trying to figure out which direction to go in. If I should niche down or just talk about everything. I'm not sure but so far the only thing I've come up with because I have Airbnb properties is to talk about Airbnb.
If it's not going to be fitness then I would definitely do ASMR Something like that around those edges. Maybe some type of narration or talking But you don't know until you try things.