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I'm sorry I'm Australian but I'm also like I'm not I'm not British I don't all but like I've been seeing a lot of things about Molly-Mae around on TikTok and I've actually been trying to do her accent and I actually think I'm pretty good at it so I'm gonna go ahead and try it I hope you guys can read it well because yeah Tell me tell me what are you doing is Bambi tell me
Here, personally I think we're the bagpipers mate We are the haggis-eaters We are the potato-munchers We are Scotland and we beit spend mate So, get it round yes
I love your accent. I wish I had. I have such a basic Like speaking voice. I like to think it's yeah, I love your accent. Nice man Or girl cuz you're a girl nice girl. I mean yeah, you get the point
That's an Australian accent. Bro, you have an Australian accent. British and Australian are different. They sound the same, yeah, but like they're different.