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So bad for him I feel bad for him because why the fuck is she talking Carlo come here talking machine lol she likes on Paul Walker die bro fuck is your deal we're gonna fuck are you
See me personally, I wouldn't take that level of disrespect. Like, how the fuck are you gonna get on IG Live and say that you'd rather be with my dead homeboy? like what the fuck *****
I'm telling you man most of these Instagram models most of these celebrities especially the ladies you know I'm Sam did you relationship is a trend bro and some of the men's to but the majority ladies because God damn brother
Yeah, I ain't gonna lie to you I ain't gonna lie if he would have Chris breezy that girl. I'm not saying it. I'm not saying I was a part of him But I can see why he would do that.
Damn, Paul Walker, his best friend that died like, what, seven, eight, nine years ago? Damn. You could have kept that shit to yourself? Like, damn, I feel bad for Malooda with her, real.