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I look the only thing that people care about in 2023 or do people actually care about personality because I just feel like we are in such a superficial era where it's like looks is all people really care about especially again since my last time but I want love is blind and like you can just tell some people like that's forever going to be a like what is appealing to the eye to keep in there but let's talk about it I really wanna hear everyone's opinions
Looks didn't matter to me like I used to them they're always pay play Mrs. much is a good look at where like you just be pissed off and somebody playing this ugly too so we gotta have both for me know it is
Sis let's talk about it I mean I have a nice record or some fine ass man but yeah I feel like it would hurt a lot more if you play the F out of me Andrew ugly like boy try again like that will piss me off
And like I will say there's like dope personalities make people cuter to me like you could be like I am then I don't personality you can make me laugh like it'll take you up a couple notches you feel me
Oh thank you say I appreciate if you didn't answer the question in the question was do you looks really matter overall not my luxe but looks for anybody.
Is 50-50 the luxe is going to make me approach you the personalities gonna make me stay but if I'm in a work environment with you or I'll be around you for some reason your personality might make you look good to me but they go handyman
Thousand percent agree with you personalities the only thing is gonna keep you I have you know they did me and laugh that was just so fine but like substance respect loyalty honesty like all that stuff that so important to sustain our relationship so we need to have a load
Yeah I didn't catch what you said at the end because your message cut off sound like you're saying something but yeah a lot of times you know a girl but I can't need to me till I have several conversations or dates with her and then she just don't look back to normal
I feel like definitely the era we're in, like you said, it's like more superficial. I think it's more based on looks than it ever has been, honestly, in my opinion.
But looks should definitely not be like what really truly matters I'm in all aspects because I feel like that's what people really press on especially when it comes to dating or you know just overall being excepted
Yeah like I just really hate our area it just kind of makes it hard to like find sometimes like a genuine human being you know like search the single people out in the world like it's pretty tough I mean looks
Like luxe are important to a certain extent because I obviously want to be attracted to you and you know in that way but like I don't know if I have a pretty dope personality so it's just like sucks that looks are really the only thing you know
To be truthfully honest I believe luxe were always be the most dominating factor because you'll be the most beautiful person on the inside most trustworthy most loyal whatever but we would never know unless there's something on the outside about you that would cause an allure
The thing is about luxe is you know that has been a level of attraction for someone to get to know the inner workings of you but then even if they find out that you're not that good of a person looks can still call someone that doesn't like the inside of you still stay close to the outside of you
Definitely agree with your first response I was just like well yeah but I agree because literally if you're not appealing to the eye and feel like you're not even gonna get the chance to know what is on the inside because the inside is not the first thing anyone sees so it's like almost impossible
I know that is so sad because I have I feel like you live and you learn as you become an adult and you know learn these life lessons you realize that looks just aren't what is all cracked up to be like it'll keep you there for a second but not for the long-haul
As if we're going to take it to the level to the extent of wow this man physically takes off all of my preferences physically but once I get to know them overtime I'm like wow this person is really freaking ugly you know what I'm saying
Boom I'm in falcon crush with you right there that's mom and that was my main point that person could be really ugly on the inside but we would never take the initial time to find out if on the outside they wasn't appealing to us to want to find out what's on the inside
In an ideal world that doesn't seem fair I get it in a sentence a lot of really don't think a lot of real healthy relationships that could've been something because on the outside is not package the way the weed desired them too and I station
It's tricky because a person's looks is what initially hooks us and makes us want to get to know them better, but a good personality is what makes us stay. So good looks, attracts, and good personalities are worthwhile.
1000% agree to my gear honestly if I'm not attracted to you there's no possible way I'm gonna get to even know what's on the inside so sometimes I feel better saying that all personality only like that's a lie because literally if you're not even attracted
Looks and personalities are really deceptive I really feel like if you have a connection with that person is in the spiritual level then yeah I follow the person for you we'll talk
Oh you getting real deep there I do feel like when you say spiritual connection I think I've just like the energies like the energy divided that connects to two people so I do think it's important as well
Mos Def great might as will forever and for always think like Brazil really alpha 13th out this question cause I feel like some people you know just responded saying whatever but I like that your answer was very well thought out so I appreciate that and I