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I don't want to ask a question and get y'all the pain. What do y'all think is the saddest part of Naruto? Like, almost got you to cry type shit. And you not even a cry for us. So what clip that happened in Naruto that got y'all? Like that.
The first time Garra got that fade by a lead, god damn it. He got MOLLYWAPT! When I first saw Garra, I thought he was gonna be strong as shit, but nah! He got his ass kicked by a dude with a motherfucking bull cut!
Bro I'm not hola my ***** league Adam Hansbrough my Masley is the only Nager you know they can just fuck you up with straightahead it's only him and God bro nobody else is doing that street as well shit
Oh no I'm only like 30 episodes in but I really want that big sucker is a fucking die already like holy shit bitch ain't worth a damn thing so I do shit in any of the fights oh yeah yes forgot and she always on my Knigge suck a dick