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Why would you do if your partners hardship in your back like would you start talking shit about them or would you confront them and break up with him like I need a valid answer
Right first of all drop kick his Nan down the stairs then I'm gonna fucking chop his dog up and put it in a fucking soup and I'm gonna feed that soup to his fucking mother
Then basically put him in a crate and the rest of his family and whoever else wants to go with him putting on a ship and then just shipping over to Jamaica
Since no one else has responded I'll just take the liberty to be the first you want to actually confront them about this and then speak to them like an adult do you wanna say we need to break up with them it's not a
It's not the end of the world just because you know they talked shit on you like sure ask them why ask them what made them feel that way if you really care about them you know it shouldn't matter
Because at the end of the day words are just words and as long as they didn't do anything permanently harmful like you know call you something out of your name that would do you know in your life you should be fine
OK in that case I'd say it's very warranted to be upset with them and then it's also warranted if you feel like you know I'm a little like a stark amount of trust was broken there that's fine
But I would still say even you know with all that trust being broken I would still say you should talk to them like an adult and don't jump the gun on anything I asked them why they said they said if they don't have good reasons it's just another reason to leave
I feel like if they're talking about you behind your back with like other people the trust is broken regardless because they're supposed to be the one person that does have your back
Honestly, I would just leave them because they don't have respect for you and they're talking shit behind your back That's you know where they stand I don't even care about you.
I mean if we're being completely honest all the girls that would be in a group chat talking shit when she goes south girl you know that Knigge said this girl you know that Knigge did that always all day
I don't know you but the weather you talk is pissing me off this picture was like random and this question it was like I really like not irrelevant it was just like random for like what the fuck was going on I like like like would you what would you do
Like I wholeheartedly expected you to go well with you too as I were to sit on you like right now and I was gonna answer that question but since the question was just so random I was like like at the
Girl I know you ain't talking with your overweighted this week if you don't fucking depressing wanna put me down for it I mean just kill yourself at this point
I wish the vol fukkig of his dick that I'll fukkig literally fukking torture him until he fukkig begs me to fukkig say sorry until I see tears in his fukkig eyes and also that I'll fukkig grab his lil ass dick I'll make it
And then I will fucking make it into a little soup, right? And I'm gonna fucking feed it to this fucking dog, I'm gonna feed it to this whole family, I'm gonna feed it to everybody that is fucking related to him. Because I hope he fucking dies. I hope he fucking kills himself. I 지렸 I Glass withost anything I like other I I didn't darelee was over