So what's something that's like your own opinion but you feel like if another person disagrees that they're just wrong like you shouldn't disagree Shouldn't disagree
You're a disgusting ass fucking human being who the fuck would put fruit on pizza other than tomato that's literally the only fruit that blows the fucking pizza is tomatoes any other fruit you put on pizza you need to go to fucking mental hospital
I'm sorry I never had a pineapple pizza before but I would love to try it I'm pretty sure I like the sweetness and the cheese will just be so good and tasty together
I strongly agree on this sleepy like apple juice just hits and like orange juice just like it doesn't taste right. It doesn't even taste like an actual like beverage. What is it?
Anything age-related through relationship? Like, I understand having someone who's like 7 to 6 years older than you. Okay, fine, cool. But anyone older or younger? No, that's fucking disgusting. Bye
No I completely understand you like but if they're like above 30 yeah that's when they can be like spread out not that much though but you 11 dating a 18-year-old