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Mvp 724d
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Irene 725d
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Keyona 724d
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Keyona 724d
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Chris Lewis 724d
Chris Lewis
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Chris Lewis
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Mormon now have you have a culture partner cheating and if so how did you feel question with her but how did you feel feel in how did you handle it did the trust ever go back to saying like what's up talk to me
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Yeah, that bitch cheating and I for gave her and then she did it again so I thought that bitch
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I've caught my partner emotionally cheating once. He left his Facebook page open and tons of messages from girls. And also one time we broke up and got back together, but I saw him with all these dating apps on his phone.
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With the trust ever the same I mean did you try to trust him like he before or just never like got back to the point I think so all of that BDSM why do you feel the need to do it
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He denied and tried to make it seem like I wasn't providing him with certain things and the funny thing is like I I brushed it off and forgave him, but I was also very young.
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Ain't nothing wrong with forgiveness you know especially when we are young even older people sometimes you know when a heart one with the heart want you will forgive with a certain level that I won't now though now that I'm older
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That's crazy you forget a bitch Are you getting a dog that did you do the right thing you definitely did the right thing
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I actually did catch my partner cheating, but it wasn't like full-on sex. It was on Facebook. I Had a friend of we had a mutual friend going to her account and she was in a whole relationship with a guy for like four months months, we was about to get divorced, but I was like, damn.
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Yeah that divorce was supposed to happen then because I'm in a whole relationship you gotta see I'm gonna time I gotta wait for you out my system to even entertain anything else
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See at least you're smart a lot of people be like they just jump right in the sun because they're so used to having something but yeah I am I wish I had this when you have because well I'm getting better because the last time I got a relationship it took me a while to get with somebody
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Yeah that's basically what I'm saying like I love heart so when I'm in a relationship I'm in it for all the right reasons if they end it in you know it was supposed to but I still can't jump in a relationship right after or even attempt to try to love somebody well with somebody
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