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So does anybody else have like a really hard time with procrastination I've been do my physics homework for a while like six hours and I have not even done one question because I've been sitting on TikTok for six hours I've been sitting in my bed like literally watching TickTock I am OK I'm supposed to make eight pages of notes And do all the practice questions cause I got a test tomorrow I've been sitting on TikTok for six hours does anyone else have this fucking problem because I don't know
All right so I'm coming from another procrastinator I really caught procrastinator IU super ass and I like a B 3 AM and I get some stuff done and I always get it done but like the only like unfortunate the thing you got to do to Saug procrastination.
Thing and they were like is it because you don't just saw yourself you're gonna do it for five minutes like if you don't want to do like homework just be like OK I'll just do it for five minutes and then when I like doing it you're like I'm finishing it but I don't think that would work for me
Yeah cause like you know I would have to do some like some math homework and shit and then I get distracted by my meat sure to get back at it but then I see like another fine ass video and shit I'll beat my meat again and I like it it's like a it's a concept
Hell no I'm a professional procrastinator bitch I will procrastinate like that was my job begin at the womb procrastinating I was procrastinating the war yeah
Girl I feel you with that lady yesterday I was like shit I'm a do I'm doing my homework tomorrow I'm gonna I'm gonna get my project done I know I'm sitting here today I'm like you know what I'll get it done tomorrow