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ChuckBLACK 401d
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Breze Kimble-Moore
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Eshaunna 396d
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Okay, so we can all agree that checking in on your spouse or your family members or your friends, checking in on their mental health is important. But a follow-up question to that, what do you do to help their mental health? If they aren't good mentally and they're struggling, what do you do to help them?
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I'ma use this post to be brutally honest, but I can't care about anybody and it's really amazing. I love it because I don't give a fuck about none of these motherfuckers. I don't know nobody's birthday or none of that shit. shit like I don't care
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I think what I do to try and keep his mental health like up in good spirits is trying to say positive Reminding him how proud of him I am you know and Just laughing, honestly laughing is really...
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I sit in my fucking room with nothing on organize my thoughts exhale and ignore everything going on it really fucking work
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