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Chan Be Busy 657d
Chan Be Busy
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Chrissi B
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Chrissi B
Chrissi B
Chrissi B
Chrissi B
Chrissi B
Cool Like That
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So I'm scrolling for when I get back home cause I'm reserve us but when I get back home after this reclassification of dawn OP in China and of course I'm gonna go get my ass everybody relax but nurses don't get paid enough I don't give a damn what you thought as much shit as I have I've had to wipe so many asses and I called I might be the job but you tell me how many times you bout to go ahead and watch yoga on grandma's ass like or you go ahead and you have some I am and you gotta collect students Do that shit not for real like I just wanna make sure of these next day alive but here we are I'm looking at this pay range and I don't get paid enough I'm sorry you're not now with me at least $1 million an hour the MDMMN is getting the crazy thing about it is the hospitals can afford in our life they don't Is this going to head and paying the travel nurse is more so unless you decide you want to up uproot your entire life for 13 weeks at a time yeah hi how do you feel about that like how do you feel about nurses and not talk about the bad experiences that you have with nurses I never had a couple of bad experiences with attitude but how do you feel about nurses and how much they get paid
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I don't think nurses make enough money I don't think and I don't think they get enough days off I don't think teachers make enough money and I don't think they get enough days off I don't like the fact that these are all money for the classroom that's bogus
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Yeah teachers are a different breed I love my baby and I don't know how I'll be able to deal with her for eight hours out of the day if she wasn't my child right that's wild and it's self they need to get paid more for work
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Hey, it depends on where you are. It definitely depends on where you are. I've noticed travel nurses make the most money Um, and some of them are not even 100% travel nurses. They may do one week out of the month, but then my focus Oh
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I know I've seen like the salaries for travel nurses and I would definitely consider doing that I just don't like the idea of like having to approve my kid for a you know have a long I gotta do it for so is this song now
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It's definitely doable and and then there's a big difference between online LPN being paid in a hurry and being paid in an hour with a masters like I'm just trying to chase the bag since I got to my grandmothers anyway I need to chase bank
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And then I was looking at my California of course it's like the highest pay that you know how his peace date for nurses in general travel nurses or not but like they they get paid all that money cause expensive
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It's expensive as fuck to live there but at the same time I never seen those numbers you know as far as nurses and then I think a DCDC is number four but you can
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They're like number four in the nation so either I'm at the grand and Barrett and go back to DC or just say fuck it and go go ahead and just work 1, million hours at a time just to get the life I need
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I don't know how much nurses make where you live, but I know traveling nurses make quite a bit. And traveling nurses seem to do better than any other nurses that I know. and I'm cheering you on to be a nurse practitioner. You got it!
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