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Lynn 402d
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Alyssa 402d
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Andrea Ruiz 400d
Andrea Ruiz
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Kaylaaa 400d
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Hey so my son is 17 months old and I'm thinking of starting to potty train him the only thing that I'm worried about his right now he's going to daycare two days out of the week so I first have to see if the lady is going to be able to help me out with that or I'm thinking if I should just wait until I am no longer working since I'm having another one in three months and that way I am actually going to be home with him consistently And his dad might also come home from work at the end of the month so will both be home for a while and I'm just wondering if that's gonna be a good idea to wait till then
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Has your baby like shown you signs that they're interested in using the potty or what not I think 17 months is pretty young from what I've seen of course do what you do that no I don't have a child and I'm just a nanny but whatever is easier
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And I'm saying that because why make it harder on your day-to-day life I know some daycare is charge more when they're in potty training and you're going to go through so much laundry with the bed wedding it's just it's a process so if you're ready for it do it
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I'm a preschool teacher and work on potty training kids and you could honestly just take a long weekend like maybe a Saturday Sunday and Monday or Friday Saturday Sunday and just let him free at home and
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I mostly tell my parents to do this and they come back and it works I also had a student who was out for all of spring break and he came back from pull-ups into underwear's and it just took a whole week and he was great
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I think it would be a good idea to wait just because you'll have that support and then also the consistency. Again, it just depends on how flexible the daycare is, but you can also just kind of Do it here and there when you're...
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I am actually starting with Mina soon and she just turned two but I'm glad you asked because when I try doing it before it was just a hassle it's like an all hands on deck it kind of thing so you're gonna need a lot of help
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