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Between the two of these love languages, I would have to say words of affirmation. Sure enough, I love physical touch, so I guess I would say that I carry all the attributes. But that one in particular that just does it for me, it's words of affirmation. Whether it be on the giving or the receiving it, it don't matter.
I've been told that all of them are mine and that it's complicated but for me it's kind of like mainly touch is like so huge to me. You know just grab my hand, touch my arm whatever I need it.
Words of affirmation. Love physical touch, but it's just more, I feel like it's more honorable to me that you have someone telling you or you telling them reassurance or any type of word that they're saying. It's always an important thing to listen to each other.
I find this subject so interesting because they say the things you crave as an adult in relationships are the things that you sort of that were lacking when you were a child and so yeah I feel like this this subject is quite interesting really
Hey ladies, I am with the words I feel like when a man seduces your mind Oh my gosh, it's priceless You, you, it's more deep You know what I'm saying? It's, umm, I love the teaching I like, you know, seduce me with your words baby Seduce my mind and you will capture my heart