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Sunbathing on a beach, if it's the right season, umm, painting? A little sip and paint by myself is so fun, so fun, actually Lockie find it way better when it's just like me and like one other person or like just by myself, umm, I don't know why but it's way more fun that way.
I like to sing, make songs, write down some lyrics. Honestly, writing down lyrics about your feelings is so much better especially in your alone time. You can write down your feelings and make up your own song about your life and I think that's very beautiful so I like to do that in my alone time
I don't want, because it's so awful the cheese I'll put it in your pocket and go through the day it heats up I can put it Starr from bed! I'm just, I'm not talking No! Bed time! mom! Bed time MOM.