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Yes, I do believe that Disney swapping is possible. And I also believe that people can trap you in a timeline somehow. Keep you in a low vibrational state on the actual plane of existence to where that's all you know. That's all you'll ever be.
Okay, long-winded story time, um, yes, um, someone who definitely destiny swapped with me is a really, really close friend of mine, and, um, you're probably like, bitch, how are you still calling her your friend? Um, and I want you to know, doing this, sometimes you can wind up with the destiny in a bad way.
I had a friend who was really into being close to me because whatever I had going on was working for me, right? As far as style, as far as how I even cut my hair, I cut my hair a certain way What I wear, how I post, just even skills to be honest Just really trying to emulate me
Even, like, down to, like, my humor and the way I express this humor, um, even down to the way I talk. Like, I sound like a valley girl, she sounds like she's from the Bronx because she did grow up there at some point. It was kind of creepy, um, and one can simplify and just be like, oh yeah, imitation, uh, flattery, whatever. No. No, it was, like, literally trying to be me and I'm not the type of person, I'm a very humble person. Um, weird shit.
Girl, at least for me, in my experience, it was very obvious. Like beware people who like try to convince you that like what you got going on is whack, right? And then you see the minute that you're off of it, they try to do it. Cause that's literally my experience with this friend. Like she would always be like, oh, like why would you wear that? Like, oh, like why would you cut your hair like that? Personally, I think you should try this style just because she wanted to try the style that I already had on. Like weird shit like that.
And it'd be weird because she'd really, like, kind of, like, talk so much shit to me about certain things That I'd really be off of it Because I'm like, you know, this is my best friend, like, you know But I see her doing the exact same shit that I just got off of Uh, another thing is, um, I'm very ambitious I feel like I would've had my PhD by now This girl was not She had no goals Outside of laying under a man Okay, um Um,
she kind of became ambitious out of nowhere and she kind of completed a lot of things that, like, I knew I wanted to set for myself since day one pretty quickly. I mean, I have two master's degrees, like, I'm pretty proud. You know, I am getting my PhD next year, so things are cool, but the timeline, it's like, you know, like the person before me said, they can freeze you in a certain timeline.
Now, um, I movie you, so my mom has been sick throughout my life Um, she came close to passing away um literally doctors told us to like damn near like just All you can do is wait Right my mom recovered after my mom recovered her Mom picked up an illness. I'm not gonna tell you how that ends
so just be careful doing that stuff because sometimes you might pick up the bad that comes with a certain person's destiny um, and yeah, just don't do it be your own person please please