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soul ties are definitely real, but so is free will I don't think every soul tie is our forever person I think there's just some relationships that are meant to work in this lifetime and others are meant to be started in this lifetime and completed during the next but yeah
I have this one guy that, I don't know what it is, but the universe just keeps making shit not work out for us with other people because it just wants us to fall into each other. But I really think, I really have a strong belief that we're just not meant to get it right in this lifetime. Like, I think it's meant for like the next Aisha, the reincarnated Aisha to get right in the next lifetime. It's not meant for this Aisha to get right in this lifetime.
we were just never on the same page like and not in a toxic way. It's like for example, originally when we got together, I was amazing at communication, he wasn't. He was totally anti being vulnerable, right? He has his own reasons for that, but like years later we had our, we had two different situations came out of it. I developed trust issues, so I was like way more quiet, way less communicative and he went to therapy during that time and became an amazing communicator, he was so verbal, so vulnerable, it was just weird.