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Slowly being ignored, and as someone who hasn't experienced either, um, I can tell you what, I feel like a dick doing the latter, and I can't imagine what it feels like for the other person when, um, they're on the other end of it, you know, and they could tell, they're like, ah, you know, she isn't trying that hard to talk to me, it's almost like she talks to me out of pity
I think we, as Americans, always have our feelings on our sleeve and we wear our feelings on our shoulder and that's why it's so hard for people to actually umm be 100 with you We ask for 100ness but we're not ready for it, we're not umm we're not willing to accept it we just try our best and hoping for the best But it never worked out in our favor So we ask for honesty, we ask for you to be straight up real Give me a straight up release
I think it honestly depends on the relationship like how close, you know, how deep is your relationship to the person who's ghosting you or slowly ignoring you