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I think it really just depends on the word that comes after it, like a semifinal. Usually people say semifinal but if you're going to talk about like a semi-truck you say most people say semi. If I'm saying just the word itself then I'm probably going to be saying semi rather than semi just because, I don't know, it comes out like that I guess. But I'm pretty sure it just depends on the context.
You can be like I'm in a semi truck or you can say I got a semi automatic. Nobody says I got a semi automatic or I'm in a semi truck. I'm in a semi truck. You know what I mean?
is that tomato? tomato? i think it depends on your accent semi well I'm from England so we say semi but yeah I think if you're American you say semi if you're English you say semi i have no clue
girl describe my sh**t is like semi, you feel me? every time I be around that sh**, that's a semi penis that's a big ass semi wee wee then if you hit me with that sh**, it's like a big ass bionic trick hitting me in the face with a little bit, with at least two miles per hour it wouldn't say I hit them that hard with the wee wee but you know what I'm saying?