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I have a question! It's a simple question! Would you... wait fuck. Uhhhhhhh Uhhhhhhhh I'm just gonna fucking sing. Musical number. Wait no, I got to tell you guys some very intrusive thoughts. these are my intrusive thoughts. So I got a question. What if the colors that we see today are not the colors that we actually see? What if violet was red and purple was green? You cannot just believe me doing this. What if colorblind people can actually see the true colors There is black and light. And we're actually colorblind because we only see the colors. I don't get it. Somebody has to tell me. How does the life work? If there was no one here on earth to make God, how was God made? How were the gods made? How was the universe made? I got another question. What if, just what if, one of the multiverses. There's multiverses out there and we could probably be one of them. Some universes or multiverses could have found this out already and we're one of the last people not to know yet. Anyways, goodbye!
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