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People are going to perceive you however they want to. So even if you're the nicest person on the planet, the moment that you stand up for yourself, feed people the same energy that they're feeding you, or even when you're brutally honest with somebody that truly deserves it, people will completely discredit your character and take what they want and run with it. Even the people that you love the most are not exempt of this. So in a world like that, I really appreciate people like this.
take everything you fucking said and look in the mirror, **** look in the mirror like the Michael Jackson song you need to look in the mirror stop projecting shit that you fucking do onto other people you scum you piece of shit okay, toodles
I think you need to take a leaf out of your own book. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. What an absolutely disgusting thing to say to somebody. Honestly. And the irony is you're trying to hurt her with what you're saying, but you're actually only hurting yourself because you've just shown your true colours. That's seriously sick. You need to stop projecting your negativity onto other people. It's just really sad.
yeah take everything you said you **** and put it in the mirror put it in the, in the Michael Jackson you piece of shit projecting in the mirror you piece of shit