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Yo, what's up? It's your girl, Kitty Pie, and I've been in these stereo streets and it seems like we need to pump this energy up a little bit. So, I'm starting a contest called Alternative Endings. I have picked four classic movies, and you will pick one of those movies and write the dopest alternative ending to it. Then, what you do is simply DM me, let me know which movie you pick and that you'd like to enter. Entries are due by October 30th at midnight Pacific Standard Time. On 11-1 Friday, we will read the entries that were brought in and there will be a panel of three judges that will judge. The winner will be named on site that night and as long as you have a digital method of receiving payment, a hot $100 will be riding your account. You got the skills, you got the pin skills. Let's go. Let's see who got it.
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