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Hey guys, so let me share why taking out refined grains from your meals can help you stay healthy. So, refined grains are things like white bread, white rice, pasta, sugary pastries, stuff like that. They've been processed and they've lost a lot of important stuff that your body needs and here's why you might want to stop eating them. So, one, there's just less good stuff in them, right? Refined grains, they don't have the vitamins and minerals that keep you strong and healthy. Two, quick sugar crash. So they turn into sugar in your bloodstream really fast and this makes you feel tired and hungry very soon. And these quick spikes in your blood sugar also age you faster. Three, extra weight. So eating these grains can make it easier for you to gain weight because they don't keep you full for very long. Four, health issues. So too many fine grains can can lead to problems like diabetes and heart disease later down the line so instead try eating whole grains stuff like whole grain bread brown rice quinoa oatmeal stuff like that they're going to help you feel full for longer they're going to have more nutrients and they'll keep you healthier so making this small change you know it really have a big impact on the rest of of your life and a huge butterfly effect so don't you know don't just skip over this really take it really consider it and change your life i hope you found value and uh see you guys later