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Asjarene 67d
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Zainab 66d
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Moderated 58d
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A Dad of the Torah
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Karii 56d
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Truth In Chaos
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ᴉɾǝʇ 54d
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Smd 46d
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Jeramyah 45d
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Ghetto Hippy 40d
Ghetto Hippy
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No, you're weird, I don't know where you're on, but you need some help
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do I, do I really need some help? well, maybe if you were to raise a boy would you have him speaking like this? or would you have a man in his life to make him speak a little bit more like this like what the fuck you cannot raise a fucking boy to be a man cause you're a female, you have feminine traits you don't have male traits you need a male to install that into a male they sometimes get it on their own but thats by watching other fucking males its not coming from your ass
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so apparently something's going on at home because my mom Raised three boys and two girls. those three boys are perfectly fine jobs wives out the house perfectly fine. i have an nieces and a nephew My brothers grew up perfectly fine I don't know what's going on in your household If your moms abusing or something just cuz your mom's having problems with you, Don't mean my mom is, so womp womp
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Yeah, those brothers, nephews, whatever, they might have been raised by your mum and they are men as you can see and you might think of them as perfectly good men because that's by your fucking standards but by the actual standards of a fucking man, they're quite feminine I bet. Probably a pushover. I bet you their women wear the trousers in their relationship and shit like that. Like these sort of things are taught by men. Men can only raise men, women can't raise men.
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you just have mom issues, that's all just, it's just it because my, my aunts don't wear no trousers, whatever they're called they don't wear trousers, my brothers do but like I said my family is not like your family so just bc you're having problems don't mean my family is having problems
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Typical uneducated woman thing to say.
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See, you are like, you have issues. What? You, you're like, Tate. Nah, you need education. Not me. You need education. You're speaking from a man's perspective and I'm speaking from a girl's perspective. Not a man's.
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haha, yeah, because that sounds like an educated response, haha, fucking delinquent
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I mean, I think men can raise, uh, men alone, or especially daughters you know? So, I think just being a single parent is just difficult in itself, umm That's why a tribe is important. A village, you know? Um, I had a friend who...uuh, would get what he would need for a men at the YMCA Uh, then he would go to the Boys and Girls Club, so I'm just a son of a single mom and all that and he grew up to be a good man
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A lot of idiots in the village. To get that multi-pospective on life is good if you can handle it and understand it but us can't and must fall prey to it and fall into it and shit like that so getting the village idiots to raise your children isn't the best idea I'm a single parent as well and it's a piece of piss to me my son's well behaved and intelligent
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yeah, you clearly never seen a single mother before, let alone a single mother who has a male child so uh, you can honestly just shut the fuck up and I'm glad you went anonymous for that shit because if you didn't bro, like but then also kinda just showed that you were scared as fuck to say that shit as yourself you really gotta be anonymous like that, you a bitch
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Here to post my name that I post on here, like, your name's I Love Yappers, right? My name's Consciousness on here, right? If that's what you're wanting, it would be Consciousness That still doesn't give you fuck all, you dumb fuck And are you gonna make me shut the fuck up? Now listen, if you have a female, and she has feminine traits to pass on to a male Does that make a male, or does that make a female?
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hair at all, and the fact that you got so upset, and it was obvious that you were irritated right, since you know so much about raising men, start to raise yourself, give yourself some guidance, tell yourself how not to be triggered, and then when you do get triggered, how to sit with yourself in silence, so that you can grow and evolve and make better decisions, cause you're talking to the wrong person if you think that insults matter, I could care-
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bitch you got no factual evidence to give me You just been piping up a heap of shit shut the fuck up get the fuck off my page before I start deleting you completely of it
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Pretty fucking rich coming from a guy. But to be honest, if you'd come from a two parent home thats good for you But not everyone has the same story People aren't grateful to even have one parent Some people have fucking no parents So I don't really think you're entitled to ask them to come here and just blab this shit And people literally are grateful to have one parent rather than none Like men, women fucking lizard hamster I don't think it matters Like especially your mum bro like that matters so much
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It doesn't matter. What are you talking about? We're not talking about that, we're talking about the fact that women can't install masculine alpha traits to a fucking man, a boy to make him a man because she can't, she's not a man, she's a woman Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Oh, maybe you have this and others don't and blah blah blah An entitlement? Shut the fuck up, black bitch
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besides a racism, you need to calm the fuck down, because you sound constipated as fuck, mate, but, anyways, there's literally two parent families with transgender kids, gay kids, what do you mean a woman can't raise a man to be a man? Regardless, even if there's fucking two men, fucking two gay parent families, they cannot do shit, like, you cannot define who your child's going to be, like, whether or not how a guy or girl wants to be, that's the own fucking decision, like, what? To welcome some fucking alpha male, like, shut the fuck up, mate.
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also, you don't know the woman's background don't always assume that women are raised with thongs up their arses and pink wands because.. women.. can be raised surrounded by men like for example i have 5 brothers obviously i'm going to have alot of masculinity in me cus that's all i've been raised around so obviously i'm gonna instal masculine traits upon my children even though i'm a fucking woman like it doesn't matter you don't have to be a man to know how a man should act nobody should know how a man should act apart from
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Also, I don't know if you'll ask this a girlfriend because you don't fucking sound like it, but listening to me, fucking vice versa, like, it's like a man installing feminine traits, like, even if you've ever had a girlfriend in your life and you happen to have a daughter, if you're around women enough, then obviously you know how they act, so you can obviously install some traits of femininity upon your daughter, but regardless, some people just aren't going to be masculine, like, even if you're giving a guy a fucking white pizza and some fucking beer, he's still just not going to be masculine, like, that's just the way he is.
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Shut the fuck up. You spill a lot, but it's basically the same shit I've heard before. There's a simple algorithm to it, right? Your kids will turn delusional and deformed if you raise them in a delusional and deformed fucking environment, right? And they'll start to think and act the way that they think and act because everyone's a blank slate They're a product of their environment So this means if you're not born gay, then it comes later.
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Never heard so much shit come out of someone's mouth in my life. Legit. You just talked a lot of fucking nonsense.
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I'm not talking about, like, whoa, there's a lot of single mothers out there, and there's a lot of men, and y'all can back this up, that have single mothers, umm, and like I said, y'all can back this up, apply to this, cause I bet a lot of y'all grew up without a father figure, like, I'm just saying
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I did forget to mention that me and my brother grew up with zero father figures in our lives, so, and we grow up fine, um, we grow up good people. So I think that means, you know, that your statement is quite not true, it's not factual, it's just an opinion, so, and like I said y'all can back me up as well if y'all grew up with just single mothers, so. So.
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right you can't help but notice the growing femininity in men nowadays compared to the past and that is due to women installing female traits into men thinking this is how they should be but in hindsight when they get a man that's like that they're like oh you're not a real man I want a real man so you know you can't win women are doing this to themselves
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As a single mother, as much as I hate to admit it, scientifically, you are correct. But you don't have to be an asshole about it, come on!
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I do, I do because at the end of the day the ones that come at me are the ones that get the shit the ones that understand it, like you don't get the shit hehe they understand it, they move on
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