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Truth In Chaos
Anna 70d
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Truth In Chaos
Truth In Chaos
Truth In Chaos
Truth In Chaos
Le Charmant Sage
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Le Charmant Sage
Asante 80d
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RokZtar 53d
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Cheekyfaz 76d
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Kayla 73d
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Anonymous 62d
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Tina Markwick
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Tina Markwick
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Yeah, umm, they can. My mom raised three of them. Alone.
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just look at your pictures right, so your pictures just prove that you're a feminine sort of person, because you're taking pictures of yourself like that. like women do, right? So these feminine traits were passed on by your mother. No woman can raise a male, because she raises a female and a male, heh, like you! and your brothers.
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That was a rubbish attempt of an English accent, I'm Scottish by the way. Let's see if you can try and do that one. But scratching that aside, what I'm actually trying to say is You've been raised by a woman, you have feminine traits. If you're raised by a man you would have manly traits Men don't pose in the mirror like that, women do. So you've been raised by a woman, you have feminine traits. This is what I say, Women cannot raise men because they install feminine traits in men.
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The fact that you need to project your own insecurities on this young man's, um, acknowledgment of his mother and then go streight to his photos and then try to personally attack him shows your cowardice and the fact that you are a part of the problem, sir. You are over-masculine because you lack masculinity and you are projecting that onto other people. Masculine men cry.
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What are you talking about you hippie dippie silly sausage? For instance, right? The algorithm works out logically, right? So that's logically put in there. When you logically understand that you can't unlogically understand that, right? So when someone comes up with this crap that you see doesn't fit into the logic then you tell them the logic How is that my insecurities you fucking dumb fuck Away with your fucking self Go hug a tree
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It's so funny, like hearing what sounds like a great-ass man call someone a dumbfuck because his point isn't getting across because it's not true. Listen, It's ok to be wrong, you don't have to go with the insults bro it's actually embarrassing, ahaha
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That's not my point, its logic that actually fucking exists If you were intelligent enough, you would understand that but I didn't expect you to, so that's why you're acting like this, like a fucking imbecile and using some squeaky little fucking voice changer You sound like a fucking imbecil you are an imbecil stay blissent it's better than being intelligent. Tell ya that now
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You know what champ? Keep it up right. Cause I think it's as funny as watching a grown arse man resort to insults because he's wrong. Your fragile little man brain can't handle the fact that you're wrong and that is so sad to me. I really really hope you get the help that you need because this is entertaining
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Alright sussy, you sound like you're on space cakes in the water, in the, the sharks, the Dengos
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First off, my mom raised six, my oldest brother has two kids and a wife, my other brother is in college to be an art professor, my other brother is in college for business, and my other brother is top of his class in high school, and then my two little brothers are above their grade One of my little brothers went ahead, he was supposed to be in fourth grade? Well, guess what? He's in this, tee hee Now who the fuck is you talking to?
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I must've missed this one great I'm glad your brothers have a good education and manage to get far in life but what I'm actually saying is women can't install male traits to males they install feminine traits ok because they're females, not males unless they take on a male role which then usually comes with all sorts of other problems
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You must be unfamiliar with how masculinity and femininity work. All beings have both. It's about balancing the two and knowing when to use those energies. But, because I'm sure you're obsessed with the calendar, which actually takes you out of your normal circadian rhythm and puts you in your left brain, that's why you talk in this way. Tap into your right brain, honey. Learn to use that creative self.
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away in fucking ascend you spiritual fucking monkey Like, what the fuck you chatting about? Go into your right brain I'm in control of my whole brain I'm not a fucking little fucking NPC like the rest of yous So, on your fucking spirituality horse and ride it off into the fucking sunset No one gives a flying fuck what you gotta say
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Awww, did you think that calling me a monkey and I'm an NPC was gonna hurt my feelings It's so glaringly obvious that insecure people always resort to hurling insults at other when they don't have anything intellectual to say So get your KNOWLEDGE up before you come at me because insults are never gonna work Use some actual information, or do some research, then come talk to me
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Sorry, what am I supposed to be researching? Like I have taken nothing you said on-board. I don't give a shit what you said. Like you don't think I know what you know more? Heheh
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wow, i'm surprised and, y'know, proud of you at the same time you were actually able to acknowledge the fact that someone else knows more than you so if you acknowledge the fact that I know more why would you be attacking me because I'm sharing information why not just take the information and learn something new today do yourself a favor open a book, look up some new things, learn something new, and help yourself evolve be well, I love you too honey
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You fucking retard, I said do you not think I know what you know and more, you fucking spastic
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that's not like what you said
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tis what I said. Don't be a retard. How can you sit and laugh and sh!t like that and that squeaky little voice change here when you started off with your own voice? do you not know that just screams insecurities right there? Use your own voice you little freak!
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Chunky Monkey, you make me laugh, that is funny I bet you, most of the time being with the mother, being a quote-unquote single mother She had her- they had their daddy right next to them So yes, you can't say my mom raised six brothers Cause she- I guarantee you, she didn't raise all six brothers by herself Again, proving the guy's point that it- that is
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I disagree, but, nah, that's your own opinion so, can't do nothing about that. There's eight billion people, so , nah man
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It's not my opinion, it's a fact, a woman can't raise a man She can raise a woman But she can't raise a man because she's not a man So it takes a man to raise a man To teach a man what a man is A woman can't teach a man what a man is Because a woman isn't a fucking man So there's your logic, get that into your head
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In a way yes, because a woman can raise you know, their son, but like you said, you know they cannot put masculinity to their son because they are feminine and they don't raise their son feminine. But the woman will raise their son to be a boy, but his dear father that makes them date.
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yeah, I must have missed this reply, umm, yeah, you basically just stated what I said then You said that women can't install that same traits that men install because they don't know what it takes to be a man they don't know anything about being a man we're completely different from them, we're in fact opposites of them so they don't know fuck all about what it takes to be a man so how can they raise a man and tell a boy how to be a man They can't Thank you.
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Like, well, that's- not really true. Like, I get what you mean, like they can't- they aren't a man so they don't- it's- I don't know how to explain- but like women know what they want in men, they know the values that they want, they know, like, what type of man they want, so they can put how they wanna be treated by a man and they can teach their son how to treat women like that and how to respect women. So saying that women can't raise men just doesn't make sense to me. I don't know.
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Now that's too funny. You just hit the nail on the head. They're training their kids to be potential suitors that they would want. When their potential suitors don't even exist for them. So what makes you think they can create that? They can't. Because men are men and women are women. You can't change a man to be a woman because you don't want that. You want an all-in-one man. And that ain't someone who's been a fucking sissy ass bitch of a woman. So you end up leaving him and saying you want a real man.
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it's legit an algorithm, women don't even know what they want like.. ah, i want a feminine man and then when he becomes more feminine it's just like i don't want that i don't want that i mean that's too horrible you're like a woman like, i want a real man i just want a real man yeah when she goes off and cheats on him and all that sort of shit women don't know what they want every time when they get with a man they end up saying.. no he's not what i thought he was…and shit like that typical story.
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I'll add to this again. Right. So if I seek out for a woman let's say the majority of men seek out for a woman and want more woman. And should we then say that, oh, we should teach that into daughters right to make them be like that? Because this is essentially what you do are trying to create a man that doesn't exist. Right. So when your idea of a man and you can't get in real life, but you want to create the sons, sons how's that work
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umm, I don't really know who hurt you, but, like, not everyone's like that. Umm, some people actually, you know, Don't get divorced and they stay with the man that they love and that they want, but okay. Umm I mean if you have this big o' a problem with women, I mean why not just get gay? and also like, I don't really get your point, it just doesn't make sense to me so...
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shut up you fuckin patronizing bitch fuckin 37 year old now and i've been through the whole stage I was the one known as the fuckin player that played all the fuckin women right? I didn't get hurt, they got hurt right? now I'm settled with a good loyal woman right? no hurtin i don't know what you're chattin about maybe you've been hurt Who hurt you? hold on
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but that's is not a good thing that you are a player and its honestly kinda sad, that you're 37 and you're arguing with people on an app about if women can be mothers like what the hell Subtitles by the community
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Shut the fuck up, I hate when people make this type of point My boyfriend has a single parent. His mom right? His dad disappeared- his dad literally left right? Bro, is the nicest, kindest, strong ass ***** I've ever seen in my entire life Like, I love this dude Okay? So like i just hate that fact Every guy I've dated has like a single parent and their mom And they're always nice, they're smart, they're intelligent They're smarter than me And I have 17 scholarships and they're smarter than me
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all's what you're describing is feminine traits in a male right, so the reason behind it is because females can't install male traits into males because they're not fucking males it's as simple as that so basically females raise feminine male that's why it's so nice
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Wait women are smart and strong since when?
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What are you chatting about? What is that because you say so? You're fucking ignorant, get fucked
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I take it you graduated from Hustlers University, top of your class?
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What the fuck? No, but I would pass that shit first time. It's evidently enough that you fucking wouldn't.
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Bitch, shut the fuck up. There's only a few circumstances that are like that. The majority, the women, are keeping the child away from the father and the father doesn't get to see the child at all, so fuck you!
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of course of course they can yes they can like they just can't be on no like right doing things because it's something that they want to do and gotta do it for the best interest of your child
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Well they can't A woman is a woman She has feminine traits Not manly traits, not masculine traits That comes from a male Understanding how to act like a male and be a male comes from males It doesn't come from females Coz they don't understand it at all, haha So, how could that be possible? So, your male traits comes from a male and if you, if you grow up with a Woman in the family and only a woman you're gonna have feminine traits That's that
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yeah, but you've got to be slow or something
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Wait, who's slow? Would you care to elaborate on that?
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My mama raised three boys and a girl all on her own. So yeah, she can raise men.
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So your mom's a female, right? She's not male and Male of Females are opposites, right? So it would be safe to see your moms on the opposite end of a male, right? You can't install any male traits to a boy because she is not a man She's a woman right? She can only install feminine traits to this boy She needs a man in this boy's life to make him a man. Not a woman
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You are so wrong, bud, so wrong.
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again they can't, they can't install male tweets to boys males do that. i don't know why you can't understand that, but you're obviously dumb
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