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So I was in YMCA when I was like five years old right? And then I had this like I had a girlfriend quote-unquote girlfriend because she was fake as fuck but I was like five years old so you know anyways so uh so I was in the game room and I was like I was the whitest black kid in there right and so I was trying to be cool and I started sagging right but I I had, but I had Tati Whitey's on. So you could just see my Tati Whitey's, you know, she was showing and then she was like, this relationship is over, dog. And I was like, why? I was cool. And she was like, show you, you got Tati Whitey's on. And I'm like, why is this ***** breaking up with me? Freaking my underwear, bro. It's just underwear, bro. Damn. I got no raise bro I got no raise
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