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Thank you I just wanna let you know that it's not a big shit it's more like in segments and it's small so it's like a two minute break then like segments a little shit let's come out so basically yeah
Well, it's about, you know, like how much time you take taking a shit. Usually I go in without my phone, but in that case it took me longer because I did go in my phone. Best thing they do is just like try to poop as much as possible in a smaller time frame, you know?
I have to believe that then I lose nutrients when I poop. Am I putting my health at risk when I poop? I need to ask my doctor whether or not it's safe for me to poop. If I have eye deficiency, should I still be allowed to poop? Please email me.
When I was a kid, I used to believe babies were made by the man peeing inside the woman. So I was like afraid to pee in the toilet for most of my life because I assumed that I would get the toilet pregnant
Hey Siri that's the noise that we will make it last night when using a beach queef and all night boom sings boom boom take a break is a rebel boom back to fucking boom sex missionary doggy style boom 66
I want to take a shit right now but I am laid in my bed and I did not want to get up so I'm just gonna hold it until I'm ready to get it so but good luck to you sound like you're having a good time
Uh, you shouldn't hold in your shit. I don't think that's necessarily healthy. If you have to poop, poop, you know? Like, don't, don't let the confines of society determine whether you are gonna poop or not. You know, poop outside, poop inside, poop anywhere.
For us anything else I want to start off the sentence by saying no Homo because when I am I say was Sean extremely gay but I just noticed that there's a lot of women you know but mostly women commenting on my soundbites and I'm just asking like where is the men like it I'm not complaining
Oh so I agree I like taking shits in the dark too I had to conquer my fear I had to build up their resilience you know or else I won't be the shitter I am
Let me know how you feel after dinner after being on the shitter with her because you know that's like really complicated and sometimes you gotta really focus on your
Number one who's the baby in the bag number two I don't understand a single thing you're saying number three I understand everything now I'm questioning if like language exist number four I feel good
Actually, I really enjoyed the poop. It felt really good coming out of me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna stop. Oh, thank you. This shit was really good, by the way.