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alright, this dude kind of disturbs me, I mean, really disturbs me, I mean, equality, women and men are not equal to each other, they're different, but I mean, now the gender studies and stuff, it gets, uh, difficult, but, um, I don't know, man, there's plenty of women in the military, um, you know, women, you know, nature of a society is bullshit, I think it's, uh, it shouldn't be supported.
yeah I know but people just don't like the truth and the fundamental basis down to the point is we live in existence of evolution where evolution evolves you weapons and defensive weapons to survive. So in a place where evolution works like that and then every species is man and woman and man is built stronger
I mean in some species you see it in reverse like some species of woman is built stronger And MY GOD, she takes advantage of that As soon as she's mated she kills and eats the male spider I mean we could be doing that, haha, but we're not We've formed an equality with women where we can get along and form a society
okay, I'll getcha, yeah, ahaha okay, I'm just making sure yep, spiders and prairie manises and lions and cats and dogs everything, well, I mean, dogs aren't I don't know, dog fight cat fight umm, yep oh, it's the weather over there in Scotland, lovely over here, it's like 65 degrees 75 degrees Cheers!
we've never had weather like that in, uh, Arl educación that's for sure, our weather sticks around our hottest what 22, like right now it's about 12 degrees so we don't have it hot over here and got a nice and cold
yeah, nice and cold is good, so when I said 60, 65, it's Fahrenheit, so I guess 12 or 22 would be like, uh, where you double it, and at 30 it's like, 24, that's 74, like, it couldn't be, I've been to Ireland and England before, it gets to be like 70, sometimes, I think.