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CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs
SpotlightGrit 327d
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impossible um to fart and do another like a cough or a sneeze at the same time if it happens uh if one caught you know if one happens because of the other which is it's usually a cough that causes a fart or a sneeze that causes a fart um it never happens at the exact same time so if it did i'm pretty sure you think i'm pretty sure you would die it's impossible
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I've done them all, except for actually except for the cover-up. That's a new thing I've been seeing the kids posting, you know, like TikTok and stuff. They're in class and they're doing like, they'd cough, but they fart afterwards. Because, you know what I mean? It's like, it's called the cover-up, but it's actually an oxymoronic, because it's not actually covering it up. I love that, but I've never tried to cover up my farts. I love my farts.
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You know what I'm surprised of is they don't have de-exertion, excuse me, I call them, well, I don't know, it's not really, I don't have a name for it, I like to de-exertion fart, you know, wherever I'm at, and it's the best way to act like it's an accident, you know what I mean, if you're picking, you know, you're lifting something off the ground, or you're doing anything that requires a little bit of energy, you know what I mean, or force. That's it.
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There's a lot of people out there that Are those public place farters? where they are in the grocery store, and they do a fake fart by somebody and Surprises me and what and tickles the hell out of me that people some people get bummed out Unless you're getting aimed at with the fart or somebody blasts one right on you 99.9% of the time you're gonna laugh at a fart Farts are like snowflakes. They're all different and great
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You know, when you come, really, when you know your ability, farts are wishes that your butt makes. You gotta listen very closely, and in your journey, you'll know what I mean when I say that, when it comes. But are your wishes gonna come true? Well, that's up to you.
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I love you Joey. Um yeah I was you know this wasn't even a smattering of the farts. Where's the crop dust? Where's the squealers? So when I saw this I thought it was funny. I thought of you. But I was like Joey Butts could do a way better, way more in-depth documentary into all the types of farts. And I don't even think you could do every single fart. You know what I mean? Like it's just it's like all the stars in the sky.
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Yes, yes indeed baby, you know me too good Yeah, I don't I'm gonna refrain from From doing anything like that because there's different. I mean there's farty allergy. There's farty ossity, which is more of a philosophy I'm saying like Yeah, I I would get locked up somewhere if they could You know, I mean really I Would probably get shipped on some big fucking boat somewhere in the ocean they would never want to find me
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I'm late seeing this but um, why did I envision miss Cumber? Why did I envision Joey Betts? On an island Letting go with an atomic fart, what would that be like? Someone let me know Leave a message here. I Hope y'all have a great week, year, month, day, hour
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