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What do you think about Bob's Burgers getting an Emmy and not a family guy I know that the Simpsons has gotten to me multiple Emmys as my fiancé says and now Bob's Burgers has got what one or a few This year they've had it in the past and the family guy has had nothing I don't think that many or any awards for that matter what are your thoughts
And nobody be watching Bob's Burgers except for like whenever Family Guy or South Park or the Simpsons isn't on otherwise we're all watching like one of the other shows.
I do agree on that I definitely don't watch Bob's Burgers unless there's absolutely nothing else to watch not to say that they're not worth watching it's just one of those shows like you mentioned
Think family guy don't get no awards because they always on the border of like going against the network and you don't go against the network That's how you literally get on the no awards list.
You are right about family guy going against them at work because I remember that they were making fun of Harvey Weinstein before the scandal came out so they're very unapologetic about who they attack I mean sometimes it's for a good reason
I grew up with the Simpsons and contrary my spouse grow up watching family Guy and a lot of adult swim so he got me into it but I do understand I feel like they did the work and they deserve an award
I think it kind of makes sense that family guy isn't a huge award winner in terms of the animation it's kind of nothing special I mean no shade to family guy but Bob's Burgers just I know is more visually interesting and I think they have better jokes at this point
You actually bring up a really good point I didn't think about that Bob's Burgers does have a superior like animation team it seems like on the Simpsons is just as the years went by they got better and better we are family guy hasn't really gone up to par
You are right about that I did remember seeing like a bunch of like stereotypes of Latinos being thrown around in that show and that's why I didn't watch it for a long time yeah Connor racist
Yes I didn't watch that episode I can't remember when it came out but I do know that I watch it as the episodes are released because my fiancé loves family Guy just grew up on it
I think that in this day and age that family guy Hass to reckon with its problematic past the same way South Park does so I'm not actually gonna be Bob's burger like deserves it today
I agree with you I mean some people argue that Bob's Burgers it's just not it doesn't have the funniest content when in comparison to family guy but I know that they're definitely not as problematic as family guy so I hear you on that
If family guys come just like a different breed so That that's what I'm not saying that's not a bad I mean I say that is a bad joke it's like you know all the shows are good but you know I've seen family guy and they can get crazy