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OK what is some advice or things to know before turning 25 because my birthday is coming soon and I feel like I'm getting so old and like I'm like clueless I don't know
Do the fucking opposite of what society does. Okay, stop watching the news. Stop following these celebrities. Don't save your money. Invest that shit back into yourself. Put your health first. All right. Learn some shit. Okay, don't be a people pleaser.
Find something to believe in figure out what your passion is network communicate don't let people manipulate your emotions and control you. I can't even think it's a lot of of these though like it's so much shit
It's not necessary to have everything figured out. You live, you learn, and you do shit differently the next time around and you just figure it out. Nobody knows what they're doing. Everybody's just swinging it.
I wish I had some advice. Everybody that I know about that age is like literally I'm not gonna lie at the worst But I know some good ones, but like I don't know. I really don't I feel old already I'm not even close yet, well a few more years.
Thanks to no before turning 25 don't smoke don't drink don't do stupid shit Don't be a hoe don't be a thought Don't be a retard don't be slow know how to drive know how to make your money know how to do everything and don't be getting fooled by these *******.