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So I just wanna know all my Homies you feel me Alma you find me Nager's opinions on his are you coughing a housewife that's a Juan low-key and still has whole Tennessee's but it's she's a homebody you're on me but you never know what she's doing because he doesn't text back or called anything but you just know she's at home whenever you come over or are you Texan oh that's extremely respectful and loves you but you know obviously she just a hole but she doesn't talk about you don't know about it you just know like damn like this bitch has to be a hoe Why are you just staying single
Damn bro that's fucked up but what's amazing though is bananas contain potassium and since potassium decays that makes me there a slightly radioactive and they also contain 4022 mg of potassium eat banana that's when you enter into your mouth
I'm not cuffing nobody cuz Because you don't gotta cuff nobody to get pussy. A, B, we focused on this bag. B, C, I don't even be liking people like that for a furrow.
Let's be real bro. Our hole in the closet ain't really the best, but our hole outside is not what you want. So I'ma cuff the bitch that's in the house. because I'm going to come home to some coochie.
Something about, you know what I mean, coming home from a long day of work and you know you got some coochie in the house waiting for you, you know what I mean? about that.
See the whole point of this scenario was like all women are hoes you feel me internally externally they may hide it they may expose it, but it's there. You feel me? So you definitely making the right decision, God. Get your ways.
But while women the hoes, like all the men I know, have triple if not quadruple body count that I do. So I don't know how I think men are the whole ones.
Bro I'll get you like the two options are hose because I feel like that's all we really got left in this motherfucking generation world type shit but bro can we just finally got to her self fuck
Look bro even that to herself bitch is only to her self because she had a Hannah Dixon got last summer bro yeah I mean you got to go to Greece or something bro somewhere where people don't have Wi-Fi to fine
Like middle school these days be like fucking smoking chemicals out to pause and thinking is cool the fucking bro Bruce Lee disappointing it's like disappointing as fuck
But it was crazy but I remember them days till gang like little kid you out on the bike you found me you found you innocent bro like these days they got only fans at 12 they fake ID 13 like bitch what do you mean you're 18 why do you like
Like bro, I'm not even gonna lie bro, like they bury so much in their past bro It's just wild. Like it's just a rough world, bro. That's all I gotta say. It's a rough world.
Oh that ass bro I didn't get a fucking bro my first iPhone was iPhone 5 and I was fucking junior in high school bro like these days bro it's just so fucked it's like fuck
I meant I meant freshman. I meant freshman. No junior, but bro still high school high school I found my first phone bro, bro my sister bro. She is nine. She has an iPhone 11 What the fuck?
Because that's what I'm saying like middle school is these days are drawling because like when I was a new school trust and believe I was not fuck it I'm just as I'm still having the fuck but like I'm a junior and I am there's your fucking
Nowadays most coolest be outside at fucking 2 AM and shit and I can't even do that I still coming with you that the fuck it's just the parents until he was the parents because like it's beans was hard on the neighbor
Listen I'd rather know because I'm probably doing the same exact shit as the hell no it's all you found me so we can get mad at each other do that toxic abusive shit cause I know that's Aussie relationship she has a hole on the side fuck it nozzle
I don't know what to put on my infants and all, but I don't understand cheating. What's the point of cheating? Just, if you feel like you don't got that interest in that person no more, just leave you
See there's no point in cheating but like what is the point of being a relationship that doesn't satisfy you like not only sexually but like some females don't understand like a man wants to be stimulated in more ways than just physical like and then if we fucking too much