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Luna 190d
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Jaylin jj 190d
Jaylin jj
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Jaylin jj 190d
Jaylin jj
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I respect what that means, but you know, like in this generation, some girls can't even do that. They can't even be in a relationship and be a friend, like they just, the only thing they could handle is being a girlfriend. They can't handle being a friend or a sister or a best friend or just somebody to talk to. They just could only handle being a girlfriend and that's what sucks, you know, because some girls, you know, suck.
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I've been going through a lot with my man, and I just got crazy, so I think we are gonna do it, like, just be friends. Cause I feel like he's gonna take me back. But I feel like today, he's gonna break up with me and date this one girl. So I'm not gonna, like, force him to stay with me, cause, like...
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You know what I mean? I'm not gonna force him to stay with me. So, I'm probably just supposed to lay low for a little bit. Well, not lay low. You know what I mean.
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