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ᖴIᗪᗪOxx 163d
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Mona 163d
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Miroslav Glavić
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Arya Ashrafi
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
Miroslav Glavić
Miroslav Glavić
Lion Shanko Ganjah Seed
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Lion Shanko Ganjah Seed
Lion Shanko Ganjah Seed
Lion Shanko Ganjah Seed
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
Foggy 160d
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Taylor Hall 156d
Taylor Hall
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Blob 146d
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Kyler 171d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
TrippyRip 169d
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I'm just here for the comments, for the comments with my popcorn. I'm just here for the comments, for the comments with my popcorn.
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Well, well, the real pseudocs and the real cynics, I hate to break it to you, but that's everybody on the app. The whole point of the app is the damn comment sections and the little voice messages. But people are weird on the app.
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Yeah, I don't know what happened to this app. It used to look completely different. It used to literally just be joining other people's lives or podcasts or whatever. There was no ability to show our faces at all. It was just our little cartoon. There was none of this comment section that we're doing right now. I'm literally shocked in the types of opinions and there's so many little kids on here. I'm so shook. I'm shocked. It's not what it used to be.
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Do you know what started it? The whole games on stereo, you know, the whole buzzwords and Mafia It's what stopped me coming to stereo because now instead of having shows You will see like nine times out of ten Majority of the shows you'll be looking at is people playing buzzwords or Mafia and then they started Doing this stupid soundbites thing and it's now turned into a crappy version of ******** and TikTok
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stop i know i'm weird as fuck but i miss the old stereo like i was here um in like may and it was so much fun like everybody was live there's so many lives to go on now like literally there's three lives so i don't even know what to listen to and everybody is so weird not weird but like the content is just so boring-ish and i'm gonna cry what the heck
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don't worry you are absolutely normal do you know the reason why there's only like two or three live shows going it's because that they are either all doing soundbites but instead of posting questions they're putting tik-toks up and they have left and what's also pissing me off is can someone ban Perez Hilton is because he's changed it into like a vlog channel
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like he really annoys me like one week I came on stereo and every single day I came on stereo he was the first person I saw doing some stupid type of reaction content and then these women who love to post their bodies and their chest that has no damn definition to it whatsoever and then they complain about the comments they get it's so annoying can you just remove sound bites
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And watch, and I blame the Americans for this. Ever since they came on this app, no one can seem to take a joke anymore. It's always feminism topics or it is rap shows. It's so fucking annoying. They've destroyed this app to its very core. And it's in fact, it's even Perez Hilton's also American. I hate this man so much.
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Apps have to change over time to compete with the rest who cares about comments nobody's forcing you to show your real face you know hell you can take a close up zoomed photo of your butthole and use that as your image if you wanted
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Like, I genuinely agree with you. I do miss the olden days of stereo, where it was just podcast, two people were on a panel, the only thing that you could edit was your head, and, like, I do miss it, like, the olden days of the leaderboard. I don't even think the admins are in this app anymore. I think they've just abandoned the app as well. Like, when was the last time stereo had an update? I really feel like the Americans on this app have destroyed it. I miss it.
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As an American, 100% agree. Um, oops.
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Yeah, I'm like really fairly new to this app and I've already seen so many people posting their fur straps and making it out like tiktok and oh my gosh it is fucking cringe and so many people have said to me that it never used to be like that and honestly I kind of wish I joined back then when it never used to be like weird.
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Why are you talking so cute?
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This app has always been full of weirdos. Just not as bad as it is now. Yes, the amount of weirdos and creeps are increasing.
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i would say a decrease because before there was a wave where every other post was like a nude now it's calmed down now it's like every one in 10 posts like i can't remember last time i saw a nude but like if you search it up you can probably find some like posts like that where like comms are saying gyat and shit
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I was counting three years ago to two years ago, not so much like to a year or a few months. Me seeing people's profiles who were on here before and got banned for being creeps, I would say that it's starting to increase again.
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every social media app has their weirdos and creeps and you know who cares stop being judgmental the creeps are doing it just for the attention we are all giving them just ignore them
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you know technically speaking if I show you my arm or wearing a t-shirt you know short sleeve that's my naked arm my face is naked I don't cover it unless you're wearing a hat there's nothing wrong with nudity why do we over sexualize nudity skin who cares you know Hakuna Matata
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hey look who it is everybody mr. motherfucking anonymous hey if this is what this app is doing for you I'm sorry player but it is that ain't the same boat I'm in and I'm on this app but uh you might need to see some counselors you might need to talk to somebody or just leave out in the comment oh who you really are mr. motherfucking anonymous and uh we can give you some help but uh it's not the people on the app it might just be you thank you
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I mean I just saw you talking to 16 year olds the other day so I'm not too far off. It's not like you were offering them better grades in counseling or being a study guide for them. You're a grown ass man. What were you doing? But don't worry you don't have to answer to me. God sees you. Peace.
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I want to agree, you know, I'm not in the boat of the mental illness crew even though it is a nice skeptical. Now this app has been a great diary for me. If it's not something you enjoy, you know, there's a little button called uninstall and delete. I found out that works really well when I don't like an app on my phone. Otherwise, fall in!
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Hey, look everybody, it's Mr. Motherfucking Anonymous, doing anonymous shit, putting an anonymous situation into another anonymous situation. Hey, if I was talking to a 16-year-old, Mr. being your dumbass being anonymous, your anonymous dumbass. Keep it moving, player. Kill.
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Are you mad about being mentally ill shanko and then nobody buys your music cuz this isn't a man But if you want to turn yourself into a woman and argue today we can Okay homegirl
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So you're saying that I should delete people when I don't like people I should just delete them and get rid of them and take them off of this planet if Mentally ill people are the problem. I should secretly come after mentally ill people and harm them and delete them Thank you so much. This was so helpful goofy
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No, no, no, no, no. I'm getting mentally ill because I'm talking to a non-limbs motherfucker who's trying to go back and forth with everybody and not even showing who the fuck they is. But yeah, you need help. You need constant help. You need attention. You look like you need attention because you're going back and forth with everybody making up shit to argue about. Yeah, you need help. Seriously. Seriously, help.
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This is an intervention okay everybody we need to come together and find out who the fuck this Mr. Anonymous is because this is a cry for help they're going back and forth with everybody saying that everybody's mentally ill when obviously we know who the mentally ill person is but uh yeah man if you come on man we just need to talk to you stop deflecting you stop deflecting this go away come on now I mean there's a special place in counsel for you
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No, you're here to worry about somebody's who's not your business when you can't even pay your bills on time. How about that? How about you're not living good enough to focus on me? How about that? How about you need to get your shit together, Shanko, so people can buy your music? Does that sound fair?
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And it's so sad to think that you're coming here to save someone when I'm conversing with people respectfully and you just thought this was your time to get attention that you never get.
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As for me being anonymous, clearly the intention was to get people to do the dumb thing that you're doing right now because you're not smart. You want to know what my favorite song is by you? Nobody has one.
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As someone that uses stereo, I will say I completely agree with you. The more time you spend on this app, the bigger a loser you are. I said what I said.
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I can take your word for it because it's almost like you work here
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Did I say I see you all the time, or did I say it's like you work here? Are you comprehending? Don't speak with emotions.
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I didn't know you were thinking about me hard enough to try to predict what I'm feeling.
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It's probably somebody that we all know who's posting this. I'm gonna put it out there.
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that doesn't make any sense this is the most niche app possible like it's different from tiktok or reddit or twitter it's stereo nobody talks about stereo it's niche makes you unique if you're on here not a loser
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You should and I think you should write a five-page essay and also turn it in. You might get a good grade.
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This app has turned into a kid's playground, which they're not even supposed to be on here by the way because you know they're not allowed but You know as the stereo gods go everybody's allowed to do whatever because you know new ownership and all that good stuff But yeah, this app has turned to shit
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To be honest, the kids are not the problem, it's these adults who have that chip on their shoulder for never being accepted in life. So they come on this app, and they finally get acceptance. And then the people who have had acceptance their whole life come on here too. And then they feel threatened by us. So then they take their mental illnesses out on us, the chips on their shoulders, and their Pringle cans and shit, and start taking their mental illnesses out on people who did nothing to them.
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Does anyone recommend any other apps like this that are more like, you know, like engaging in positive or fun ways? Like I'm new to this too and it's kind of weird, you know? I'm still, I'm still gonna stick to it and you know post my cool shit or whatever I think is cool and motivating but yeah.
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Unfortunately there isn't any yet besides TikTok but someone who is not quote-unquote doing experiments on people, lying social experiments to create an app to give away in the next year so that they can make money off of it and just leave it to go to hell. Yeah we don't have any people who will keep their apps and keep it running properly. Don't know.
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it's like a crappier version of tiktok kind of but i'm kind of just here for the comments
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I'm glad you're here for the comments because I make these for people who like to leave comments so you're in the right place.
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Uh, no, no. I mean, when literally I had two posts above this, I saw somebody's bare fucking pussy, I think I'm allowed to hate, okay? Like, there are kids on this app, and you got motherfuckers posting porn. I'm gonna hate that. And then you got whores who are overconfident in themselves, or guys who are dumb as fuck. Like, I'm gonna hate. Go fuck yourself.
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This is crazy because I'm talking about the people who do the things that you're naming, hating on people who don't do those things, and sexually harassing us or sexually harassing me for not doing all that stuff.
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how do you get sexually harassed on stereo? what do they come and gyaa and you freak out?
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No, when you're someone who actually gets paid off the app, they make you post up your other social media accounts where then those people go and stalk you and try to find who knows you and so forth. Any other questions, your honor?
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The block button is so easy to use.
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Yeah, they give you ways to make money on here, but then they leave you vulnerable to weird stuff, so I just Ended that profile after being harassed Even after Blocking them they were still making multiple accounts, so I was just like you know it I don't even care how many followers I had on that page I'm just gonna end it cuz the harassment got too bad. I had to criminally charge somebody
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to be honest sounds like a you problem like harassment on stereo really isn't that bad it's just a bunch of ****** saying words well he's really not that bad like they say you have big titties oh fucking terrifying block them so simple like come on now
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It sounds like you're not one of those people that make money off of here, so you don't know what I'm talking about, which is cool, so we just shouldn't be having this conversation because you don't know what I'm talking about at all.
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I do. You can look at my profile. I'm in a bronze tier. Like, people only have that tier. If they're making money, they only have that badge that they're making money. I know what you're talking about. I just, guess I'm not, like, I don't know. Guess I'm not sensitive.
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They don't make you put your social media accounts. You choose to put your social media accounts. That's the price you pay for the Job you keep
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To get paid you do have to put your social media account then you can take it off. Thanks and yeah I would say I am sensitive I don't like unwanted touching and unwanted attention very much so.
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Hey, buddy, how about you just speak on your behalf and not others behalf and maybe you will feel great
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Oh no, someone who the shoe fits.
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