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And so as I was saying he gets home and he's telling me like that she was saying all this stuff about pink and she was like I don't like I don't like her like she's annoying like she's ugly like all this shit I'm like pink didn't do nothing to her like she was literally trying to talk to her and she wouldn't like purple wouldn't answer and like purple just give her attitude and stuff and then she said she's annoying that she's better than her and like all this stuff and I'm like first of all what gives you the right to talk about somebody that you barely know you don't even know her full name you don't you don't know anything about her like you barely even talked to her so I don't know why she thinks she can just judge somebody like that and talk about somebody behind their back like that is just rude and then it just makes me think like what does she talk about me like that to other people because she talks about her supposed best friends to me all the time too and she talks bad about them and so I'm just like she's probably talking bad about me too and like that's not what you do with your friends you know so it's just freaking it's crazy like and like me and purple have been best friends since childhood and so I'm like it's just like why am I also not allowed to have friends but she's allowed to have friends
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