Okay, so when it comes to Instagram photos, I want you to think about what editing apps you use from start to finish, like that you typically use. Not every time, but just for the most part. For me, I enjoy using Facetune because there's actually a erase option to remove something from the background that you may not like, or to change the color of something that you were hoping to have, or just to patch things up if something is not looking quite right. And then I also love using Lightroom, which is very similar to Photoshop. There's like filters you can make and upload, and it's very easy. It's like a one-step process, as well as Tezza, T-E-Z-Z-A, where you can have something much more vintage-looking, as well as DAZCAM, D-A-Z-Z. But yeah, those are the ones I mainly use. Lightroom's my favorite, to be honest, all above, like above all. And then there's Unfold, where you can put things and make cool stories on your Instagram or posts, and it's perfectly measured out. So yeah, those are the apps I usually use.