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So I feel like whether it's social media or just people, you know in real life We all have come across somebody who has been in a long-distance relationship but my question is have you ever been in a long-distance relationship because I definitely have and I know people have their opinions about it and now that I'm older my opinion has definitely shifted where I Would not exactly entertain that but when I was younger, I definitely did and it was good while it lasted But yeah, I know people bring up stats and all that stuff and I'm not trying to discourage anyone who's in one now But yeah to answer the question I have and I'm just curious if you have been too
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Yes, I have and it worked out pretty well. We made it work. We had, you know, little dates on Skype and, you know, we sent each other pictures. We, what else? Oh, we sent each other so many gifts in the mail. I loved it and we didn't miss out on holidays and we made a special still. It was good. We still had dates online. I mean, we played games together. It was, we made it work.
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First of all I want to say I'm very happy for you that it worked out pretty well and from my answer you know that I've already been in a long distance relationship before and I feel like at one point to make it really be a successful thing it's either one person moves to the other or you know it's something where you know that it's going to come to an end you guys will be together again like physically all the time if you get what I'm saying so but no regardless I'm glad it worked out for you.
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I wouldn't say I have, you know, the reason for that being those were not relationships, maybe just hookups, long-distance hookups, yeah, but not relationships. I think the answer to the question is no.
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That's all I've ever had for the past couple years, because I can't really, well, okay, I haven't really went and looked for people, I've had a bunch of online relationships that basically never ended well, like they just died eventually, but yeah, I haven't really had an in-person relationship, which I would very much like to have, because it would be so much easier.
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Long-distance relationships are hard as FUCK! They are so fucking hard! Like, like, why can't I just see you every day? Like, what the fuck?
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