So yesterday, one of my best friends calls and says, Hey, I'm having an event today. Can you make it? It's at 3 p.m. I'm doing a little something for my girl. I'm like, ooh, you're telling me this last minute. I'm not going to be able to make it. I wish I could. So, I look online today. I see pictures and I'm like, okay, this boy is dressed in white. Like, this is nice. Apparently, it's, you know, something going on. They're all like taking the pictures of family. I'm like, okay, cool. It's a baby shower. Nowhere in this conversation did my friend say, hey, I got another baby on the way. Or that a baby just started cooking. Or hell, that a baby's almost done cooking. None of this was said. It's a whole baby shower for him and his girl. Kid number four. Wow.