Julieprunes Worst trip to the Doctors..... #humor #foryou #funny #cviral#trendingSeguir131CompartirCopiar enlace del post
Julieprunes Have you ever done voice over work? Would you? #voiceover #stereoapp #humour #funny #julieprunes #humor
Julieprunes Friday night out in London - check out the menu, what would you have eaten? #travel #food #stereoapp # london
Julieprunes Would you get on a plane and travel to another country as a solo traveller? If so, where would you go? #travel #lifestyle #wellness #julieprunes
Julieprunes What’s that one item of clothing younger you bought that in retrospect, was a f**%ing DISASTER ... #humor #stereo #julieprunes #funny #fashion
Julieprunes Does anyone print out photos anymore or have them printed in photobooks? Or are we doomed to scrolling, scrolling, scrolling on our smartphones?