MicPlayTv ¿Cómo usted diría coño? #SomosStereo #StereoUnidos #StereoUnited #language #spanish #speak #talk #culture #learning #slang
MicPlayTv ¿Te escucho decir? “Me Voy Pal Carajo!” #SomosStereo #Language #Spanish #wtf #MIStereo #YoSoyStereo #LatinosBeLike #challenge
Megstar RAP GODDESS #megbars #RAPGODDESS #DRDIAMONDPFORQUEEN #LiveVibes #MM #Music #BattleRoyale #VoteMegstar
SteppasDon Courage - VuanDaVillian ft. SteppasDon (see link for FULL SONG) #steppasdon #RapGoddess #rap #music
Isabella Bey What in the wanna be Prince Charming is going on here? #Boricua Frog #Rainforestismissingafrog
Wirm Million Tell me something about your creative process. Support your boy with a share 👉🏽 #art #artist #process
MarsTheBlack Come check out the Battle Royale here on Stereo. And vote for yo boy MarsTheBlack for Mr. 9+ #StereoBattleRoyale #MarsTheBlack #ANIMENATION #KUNTGang